Find below the prefectoral decree of May 8, 2020, concerning the regulation of ships and maritime activities.
List of articles of the decree of May 8, 2020:
ARTICLE 1: this decree applies from Monday, May 11 to Sunday, June 1, 2020 dates included in the French internal and territorial waters of the Mediterranean as well as on the water bodies of lagoons and salt ponds in the public maritime domain.
ARTICLE 2: in order to contain the spread of the covid-19 virus and subject to the powers of the mayors by virtue of article L.2213-23 of the general code of territorial communities and those of the authority invested with the power of port police by virtue of article L. 5331-8 of the transport code :
Calling into a port, anchoring and stopping, of pleasure craft flying French or foreign flags are limited, along the coastline, to a maximum distance of 54 nautical miles (approximately 100 km) from their home port or mooring buoy. The disembarkation of passengers ashore must comply with land-based measures (in particular the 100 km rule from home), or in the event of a proven emergency;
pleasure boats flying French or foreign flags are not allowed to embark more than 10 passengers.
ARTICLE 3: The entry into French territorial or internal waters of a foreign-flagged pleasure boat from a foreign port is prohibited, if the destination of this boat is a port or a stop or anchorage located on the French coastline. This prohibition does not apply to foreign-flagged pleasure craft transiting under the rules of innocent passage in French territorial waters.
The captain of a pleasure craft flying the French flag, coming from a foreign port, must, upon entering the French territorial sea, declare its sanitary situation to the nearest French Navy semaphore. The conditions for this health declaration are specified in Annex I.
ARTICLE 4: For sanitary measures, the organization of nautical events at sea is prohibited.
ARTICLE 5: the infringements to the present decree expose their authors to prosecution and penalties provided for by articles 131-13 and R. 610-5 of the penal code, by articles L. 5242-2 and L. 5243-6 of the transport code and by articles 6 and 7 of the decree n° 2007-1167 of August 2, 2007 mentioned above.
ARTICLE 6: the present decree cancels and replaces as from Monday, May 11, 2020 (00H00) the Prefectural decree n° 054/2020 of April 24, 2020.
ARTICLE 7: The departmental directors of the territories and the sea of the Mediterranean seafront, the officers and agents authorized in matters of navigational police are in charge, each one as far as he is concerned, of the execution of the present decree which will be published in the administrative acts of the Mediterranean maritime prefecture.