
PREFECTURAL ORDER prohibiting the anchoring, dredging and use of dragging arts in the Gulf of Saint-Florent

The anchoring of vessels of overall length of more than 12 metres, dredging and the use of dragging arts are prohibited within the delimited area:

  • in the North, by the 42° 51’ N parallel;
  • east, by the bearing of the Farinole Tower (42° 43.912’ N – 009° 20.565’ E) oriented at 140°;
  • in the South, by the coast line;
  • west, by the bearing of the Punta Vecchiaia light (42° 43.001’ N – 009° 19.367’ E) oriented at 137°:

Order no. 2B-2022-03-11-0004 of 11 March 2022 repealing Covid-19 prevention measures in Haute-Corse

Recreational maritime fishing information sheet - Haute-Corse

Given the prefectural decree N ° 146/2018, regulating scuba diving in fishing kennels created along the coast of Corsica:

You will find below the GPS coordinates of the area which concerns the region of Saint-Florent.

Cantonment of Saint-Florent
Area bounded by a line joining points A, B, D and C and the coastline between points
A and C:
Point A : 42° 47,007’N – 009° 20,390’E
Point B : 42° 47,007’N – 009° 17,440’E
Point C : 42° 43,824’N – 009° 20,540’E
Point D : 42° 43,824’N – 009° 17,440’E

In the area defined in Article 1, the following practices are prohibited:

  • zone does not apply to persons responsible for the supervision and management of
    this zone ;
  • the abandonment, the deposit of detritus of any nature whatsoever. Any rejection, flow,
    direct or indirect deposit of polluting material or liquid, or any fact likely to alter
    the quality of the environment is forbidden;
  • the introduction and collection of marine plant species, irrespective of their stage of
    development, except for authorization issued for scientific purposes, by joint decree of the
    Minister for Nature Protection and the Minister for Maritime Fisheries;
  • the practice of underwater fishing.

A biotope protection zone is established on the public maritime domain located within the perimeter delimited by the following points:

Point A : 42o 40’ 56’’ Nord ; 9o 17’ 35’’ Est ;
Point B : 42o 40’ 63’’ Nord ; 9o 17’ 36’’ Est ;
Point C : 42o 40’ 78’’ Nord ; 9o 17’ 45’’ Est ;
Point D : 42o 40’ 78’’ Nord ; 9o 17’ 53’’ Est ;
Point E : 42o 40’ 58’’ Nord ; 9o 17’ 55’’ Est ;
Point F : 42o 40’ 56’’ Nord ; 9o 17’ 55’’ Est.

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