Legal notice
This website is published by Port de Saint-Florent
This website is devised and created by: SARL CORSICAWEB – Maison du Cap, Port Toga 20200 BASTIA
SIRET : 42201842400024
Web provider
Ce site est hébergé par : o2switch
Siret : 510 909 807 00024
RCS Clermont Ferrand
SARL au capital de 100 000€
Opérateur Télécom déclaré ARCEP
09/2989 – AS50474
o2switch est une société du groupe Zohey
SAS au capital de 8 000 000€
Marque déposée INPI : 09 3 645 279
Exemption of responsibility of the website content
CORSICAWEB, as the Website creator, cannot guarantee the exactness, precision or exhaustiveness of the information that is provided on this website, which is under the responsibility of the final customer, who owns of the domain’s name and who is behind the information given on this website. Consequently, CORSICAWEB accepts no responsibility with every imprecision, inaccuracy or omission about the available information on this website. The technical characteristics, descriptions, pictures and references to products included on this website might be modified without notice.
We thank the website users to tell us about the possible omissions, mistakes or corrections, with an email to, which includes the name of the domain concerned and the fails you picked up
Evolution of the website
The elements presented on this website may be modified without notice and make no warranties or indemnities, expressed or implied, of any kind, and are not considered as giving any rights of compensation.
Les liens hypertextes mis en place dans le cadre du présent site Internet en direction d’autres ressources présentes sur le réseau Internet ne sont proposés que pour des raisons de commodité et ni leur contenu ou les liens qu’ils contiennent, ni les changements ou mises à jour qui leur sont apportés ne sauraient engager la responsabilité de CORSICAWEB.
Exemption of responsibility of the referred websites’ content
Hypertext links are set up within the scope of the present website towards other resources in the internet network and are only proposed for convenience. Neither their content, neither the link they contain, nor the modifications or updates which are made to them, could engage the responsibility of CORSICAWEB..
Collection of personal data and cookies
We remind you that you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete any data concerning you (art. 34 from law “informatics and liberty” from the January 6th 1978).
We only collect the email address of visitors if they communicate it deliberately.
The traffic data and possible cookie files that are installed on your computer only have the purpose of analyzing the visits of web pages of this website, in order to improve the content. The data collected about the navigation of the visitors are not exploited by name. It is about global statistics to know how popular the different pages can be, the level of activity per day and hour, the main customer or server failures.
We remind you that you can, with your browser, block the implantation of cookies on your computer.
Intellectual propriety and reproduction
This entire website comes under the French and international legislation about copyright and intellectual propriety. All reproduction rights are reserved, including the documents to download and the iconographic, photographic representations.
All representation and/or reproduction and/or exploitation, partial or total, of this website, by any possible process, without prior express authorization of CORSICAWEB is forbidden and would constitute a counterfeit, according to the articles L 335-2 and the following ones, of the code of intellectual propriety.
The content of this website (text, images, pictures, music) was supplied by the customer who is the owner of those sources and has rights to insure their broadcasting on this website. The customer, as a publisher of the website, is responsible of its content either because he delivered this content during the creation of the site in the case of a static website, or because it regularly feeds the database the website is based on in the case of a dynamic website. CORSICAWEB cannot in any circumstances be considered as the software publisher of this website.
The hypertext links applied to the website towards other websites and/or personal WebPages, and, generally speaking, towards other existing resources could not engage the liability of CORSICAWEB. The nominative information seizure to expand the data base, for example for commercial purposes, is forbidden.
Link to this internet website
You can, without prior authorization, make a link from the website you are visiting, to another website. However, CORSICAWEB does not allow the use of « frames » that let the web users assume they are visiting another website than this one.