Biohut content control by STARESO teams

On Wednesday 11 September, the biologists of the Stareso marine station carried out ecological monitoring of 3 Biohuts installed in the port for three years now, in order to observe the evolution of these nurseries, placed throughout the port.

Biohut® is an artificial habitat that rehabilitates the ecological nursery function of small rocky and sandy bottoms that have been degraded by the construction of coastal developments (harbours, outfalls, offshore wind, etc.).

The role of the Biohut® placed at various strategic locations in the port of Saint-Florent is to replace the nursery subtracted by man and thus allow to restore the natural cycle.

Today, three years after their installation, the Biohuts® were again observed by biologists of the Stareso marine station in order to take stock of these three years spent in the waters of the Port of Saint-Florent.

Large crabs have been observed, indicating that life has settled well in the Biohuts and that species can develop properly and sustainably. Another ecological follow-up will take place next November and the annual report will be sent to us in January 2020.

Find below an explanation of what a Biohut is and how its analysis is carried out: out of the water, emptying of the cage, sorting of each species found (crabs, blennies, shrimp, worms, mussels…), sort by subspecies and size, measure, take photos and finally release the observed Biohut.

This video explains the interest of the Biohut and its use in the ports. You can discover the manufacture, installation and efficiency of these fish nurseries, which are very rich in biodiversity.

C’est quoi 1 Biohut ? from Ecocean on Vimeo.

Thanks to the different types of Biohut®, docks, pontoons and coastal developments are once again a refuge for biodiversity for many coastal marine species.
