Maritime Heritage Conference

This Saturday, December 8th took place a conference on the Maritime Heritage of the Gulf of Saint-Florent

Three speakers presented their research and work carried out in the Gulf of Saint-Florent:

? Charles Pinelli gave a presentation on underwater archeology, explaining the applied research methods in the Gulf of Saint-Florent. According to historical accounts, many wrecks could be found a few meters below our feet.

Just find here an excerpt from his presentation ??


? Arnaud Cazenave de la Roche, is part of a team of volunteer archaeologists who has been studying for more than 10 years a wreck located near the tower of Mortella, named „Mortella III“. The study of this wreck located at more than 30m of depth made it possible over the years to carry out several dating by studying in particular the hull and the timber. This wreck burned before sinking in the Gulf of Saint-Florent.

A story by the Corsican bishop Agostino Giustiniani revealed that the boat was intentionally sunk by its crew in order to save the cargo it contained by fleeing from the ground. The ship being blocked for lack of wind, he sees galleys getting dangerously close and prefers to save what can be and burn the boat so that it does not fall into the hands of the enemy.

Find here ?the true story of the wreck of the „Mortella III“!  

? Franck Allegrini-Simonetti gave a presentation of the different types of ceramics found in the region. Each „find“ is very valuable because it feeds a database that can precisely date each object.

